Rich DeVos and Jay Van Andel built the Amway business on the following principles, which they and their families believe constitute a sound foundation for a meaningful life.


FREEDOM provides conducive environment in which to live, work, achieve and grow. The Amway business recognizes, supports and expands freedom, which is both personal and economic. It gives the freedom to operate as independent business people and conduct a full-time or part time business.


The FAMILY is our primary social structure, providing love, heritage and legacy. The Amway business respects and supports the family, as evidenced by the Amway Board of Directors and the prominence of “family” in Amway business. Amway provides the opportunity to build a family-owned business which can be passed on to generations.


HOPE gives us the power to transform our lives in positive ways. It is a force that allows us to envision dreams, establish goals, and achieve great things. By offering hope, we open windows of possibility for others, irrespective of social status, profession or educational background.


REWARD involves the shared action of giving and receiving. Reward helps us grow, either as the giver or the recipient, and there are many ways we are rewarded. Reward is integral to the Amway business as we help each other grow as people and as Entrepreneurs. Hard work is followed by high rewards.